thank you to adam for making this wicked picture for the webring! :)
if you wish to be a member of the nightmares and dreamscapes webring the following are the requirements:

1. you must have a webpage (duh!)

2. you must be willing to help other members of the webring with their webpages if  they ask.

3. your page must have some content.  i don't want just a webring with a link to more links!  please put at least a 'about me' section on it.  i don't really want to have a loud of sucky pages in this.

4. no ones pages will insult fellow members of nightmares and dreamscapes, this will not be accepted so don't even think about it.  if however you want to insult anybody or anything else...go right ahead... ;)

5. your page must be updated atleast once every month.

7. the page will be judged by all members of the webring to see if it qualifies for membership.  you will be notified by email (or icq) as soon as you have qualified or....not qualified.

8. you as a member of nightmares and dreamscapes must be willing to help judge whether or not a page will be entered into the webring.  you must be also willing to help me keep up with the pages and look at them to make sure that none of the rules are being violated.

9. you must first have this html code posted on your site before you will be considered:

{!C-nightmares and dreamscapes fragment--!}
{CENTER}{font color=#FF0000}This {/CENTER}

{CENTER}{A HREF=""}"Nightmares
and Dreamscapes"{/A} {/CENTER}

{CENTER}site is owned by: {A HREF="mailto:[email protected]"}your name here
{HR}{/A}To join this Webring click {A HREF=""}here{/A}{/CENTER}

| {/A}{A HREF=""}NEXT
5 | {/A}{A HREF=""}LIST{/A} {/CENTER}

{IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 }{/A} 
{A HREF=""}
{IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 }{/A} 
{A HREF=""}

{IMG SRC="" BORDER=0}{/A} 
{!C-end of fragment--!}

ok that's the code! just remember to fill the "id=__" in with your site id once you get it, and to change the "{ }" thingys to "<" and ">".

10. the webring master (*aka*:me) has the right to take anyone out of the webring if she (i) feels that there have been violations of any of the above rules....(with a few ARGUEMENTS about it :)

ok so you've read the you still want to apply?  yeah...sure ya do :) okay click here to and then you just need to wait for my approval.  are you sure you got that link? it's the one that you read all of that maybe i'll glorify it just a little more click
also :)